Already a strange creature, the strange appearance of the giraffe is complicated by the color of its tongue. However, there is a reason for the blue-black tone. Giraffes use their tongues to peel the leaves from the tallest trees. The high melanin content helps prevent them from getting sunburned. This is just one of many special adaptations of Giraffe. Pump blood into his famous long neck through a unique and powerful valve and venous system. When the giraffe lowers its head to drink, the same system prevents the blood from flushing down, causing a sudden loss of consciousness. Surprisingly, when a female giraffe gives birth, the baby will fall about 6 feet to the ground-but can stand up, walk, and even run soon after.
An ostrich can sprint more than 45 miles per hour
As the largest bird on earth, the ostrich is also the fastest two-legged runner in the animal kingdom. On average, ostriches can sprint at speeds of up to 45 mph/72 km/h, and records show that the fastest ostrich can reach short pulses of 60 mph/96.6 km/h. They are also the strongest birds in the world.
Ostriches can easily support a person's weight, and their huge eggs can withstand a lot of pressure. In some parts of Africa, ostriches are used in competitions. You can experience this in Oudtshoorn, an ostrich breeding town in the Karoo Desert of South Africa. But be careful-ostriches have a famous volatile temperament that can cause serious injuries. Ostriches can easily kick adult men to death-this ability is often used for wild predators.Hippos are one of the deadliest animals in Africa
Although mostly a herbivorous diet, hippos are generally considered the most dangerous of all African animals. Male hippos vigorously protect their river sections and often attack those hippos that inadvertently occupy their territory. The women quickly attacked anyone between them and the Mavericks. Hippos may seem slow, but they can reach speeds of 20 miles per hour on land. Both males and females have strong lower jaws, with enlarged canine teeth and incisors, sometimes called ivory. The canine teeth of a male hippopotamus can reach 19.6 inches/50 cm in length. Other amazing hippos adaptations include their ability to hold their breath for more than five minutes, and their skin, which produces its own natural sunscreen-an effective defense against the ruthless African sun.
Hyenas are more firmly identified with felines than canines
Hyenas are more firmly identified with felines than canines. They live in matrilineal clans, some groups have more than 70 members. Hyena cubs are usually born in pairs, and if they are of the same sex, they may try to kill each other. Although hyenas are called scavengers, they also often hunt live prey. Hyena feces are white when they are dry, because the bones they eat contain a lot of calcium. A team of researchers dug a cave near Johannesburg, South Africa, and found five human hairs preserved in fossil hyena dung. It is believed that it is at least 200,000 years old, and the hair surpasses the record of the oldest human hair for more than 190,000 years. Striped hyenas are born with adult marks, closed eyes and small ears. The spotted hyena was born with eyes wide open and its teeth were intact.
Lions sleep 20 hours a day
For thousands of years, African lions have been admired by people for their beauty and strength. It is one of the most exciting animals in the safari park. However, you are more likely to see a person sleeping than hunting, because the lion rests on average 20 hours a day. Because they hunt mainly at night, they sleep most of the day. In this respect, the lion is similar to many other cats. However, they are also unique in many ways. They are the only cats with significant differences between males and females. Unlike domestic cats, they cannot purr. They are also the only cat living in a large family or proud island. Living together, hunting and raising cubs is a survival strategy that can achieve a greater success rate of hunting and a higher survival rate of babies.
The elephant calf often sucks its trunk for comfort
The elephant calf is the cutest animal among all baby hunting animals, with its small trunk and light orange fur covering. Elephant babies are often seen sucking on their trunks, just as human babies might suck their thumbs. This is a natural reflection and a source of comfort during feeding. Sometimes you will see trunk sucking on older elephants, especially when they are not sure about their surroundings. Of course, the elephant's torso is more than just a glorified pacifier. With more than 40,000 different muscles, incredible dexterity. It is used for breathing, smelling, touching, drinking, eating and communicating. It can pull down trees or use it to pick up delicate things like small branches. When crossing deep rivers, elephants can even use their trunks as built-in breathing tubes.
Black Mamba Venom can be destroyed in a few hours
Undoubtedly the most frightening of all dangerous snakes in Africa, the venom of the black mamba contains a mixture of deadly neurotoxins and cardiotoxins. If desperate, snakes can bite several times in rapid succession-although even one bite is enough to make a person collapse in 45 minutes. Without antivenom, death occurred within 15 hours and the mortality rate was 100%. Ultimately, death is caused by asphyxiation, respiratory failure or complete cardiovascular failure. Black Mamba have a reputation for aggression, but the truth is that, like most snakes, they prefer to avoid confrontation as much as possible. Despite their name, they are rarely black and often appear brown, gray or olive green.
Crocodile has been more than 200 million years
Crocodiles have been wandering the earth for about 200 million years. After surviving the disaster that led to the mass extinction of the dinosaurs, they continued to evolve into the awesome predators we know today. Nile crocodiles can stay underwater for more than 10 minutes and can eat without food for several months at a time. Their armor-like skin can protect them from harm, and their immune system is very developed and can feed on rotten meat without getting sick. They have one of the strongest bites ever and can move at lightning speed during an ambush. Despite their bad reputation, the Nile crocodiles are unexpected parents, guarding their eggs vigorously during the hatching period.
The pangolins retract their tongues into a special chest cavity
For any safari park, pangolins are a rare sight because they are elusive. Pangolins have no teeth, but have strong sticky tongues designed to lick ants. When fully extended, the tongue of the pangolin is longer than the head and body combined. When not in use, store it in a special cavity in the animal's chest. Pangolins are nocturnal, sleep curled up to protect themselves from predators. Their bodies are covered with hard scales and are made of keratin-the same substance as human nails. Unfortunately, its body parts are highly sought after in Asia, whether for consumption or traditional medicine. All eight pangolin species are targets of wildlife trafficking, and four of them are endangered or critically endangered.
Dtis uses the Milky Way as a compass
African dung beetles are amazing creatures. They spend their entire lives collecting the feces of other wild animals and turning them into large balls that can exceed their own body weight 10 times. Although any obstacles may block them, the beetles will roll their balls in a straight line. They bury the feces and use it as a storage room or as a nourishing nest for eggs. Scientists have discovered that dung beetles use stars to navigate, even if they can only see the glow of the Milky Way or other bright stars. An African species can even navigate by moonlight alone-making these species the only insects known to use the Milky Way to locate themselves. According to research, daddy likes omnivorous feces and herbivore feces.