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14 interesting facts about Rabbits You should know..!!

Rabbits are far more than cute creatures in popular culture that like to eat carrots. They can dig complex tunnels, weighing more than 20 pounds, and even eat their own poop. Here are some facts worth knowing about beloved mammals.

1. They cannot live on carrots.

The cartoon shows that only eating carrots can make rabbits survive happily. But in the wild, rabbits do not eat root vegetables. They prefer to chew on green vegetables such as weeds, grasses and clover. This doesn't mean that you can't give your pet some carrots as a snack from time to time, but don't overeat it: Carrots are high in sugar and cause tooth decay in 11% of pet rabbits.

2. Some rabbits are as big as children.

Not all rabbits are cute and small. Some look straightforward like giant Flemish rabbits. This rabbit breed is the largest in the world, reaching 2.5 feet in length and weighing 22 pounds. Fortunately, these giants are gentle species, which makes them popular pets.

3. The little rabbit is called a kitten.

No, technically it is not a rabbit. Another meaning of young people is tool kit. Adult women are called stags, and adult women are also called stags. At the same time, rabbits and kittens and dogs belong to the category of cute terms. Although it is not scientific, everyone will know what you mean.

4. A rabbit is ready to start breeding.

The rabbit is really busy. A rabbit is ready to start breeding when it is 3 to 8 months old. Once this point is reached, they can pay eight months a year during the remaining life span of 9 to 12 years. The reproductive system of the doe does not follow the cycle. Instead, ovulation is triggered by sexual intercourse. After 30 days of pregnancy, she will give birth to about 4 to 12 packs of litters.

5. Rabbits "pervert" when happy.

If you have enough time around the rabbit, you may be lucky enough to witness one of nature's cutest behaviors. The rabbit will jump around when it is happy, turning in the air. This cute action has an equally cute name: it is called "dumb".

6. They eat their own poop.

One kind of rabbit behavior is obviously not so cute: after digesting a meal, the rabbit sometimes eats its own poop and processes it again. It may look rough, but feces are actually an essential part of the rabbit’s diet. They even produce a special kind of poop, cecotropes, which are softer than normal pellets and can be eaten. Rabbits have a fast-moving digestive system. By digesting waste, they can absorb body nutrients that they missed for the first time.

7. The rabbit dresses up like a cat.

Rabbits are very hygienic. Just like cats, they stay clean all day by licking their fur and paws. This means that rabbits usually do not need to be bathed by their owners like other pets.

8. They cannot vomit.

After a whole day of self-grooming, cats can cough up hair, but rabbits cannot. The rabbit’s digestive system cannot move backward physiologically. Rabbits do not eat hair but eat a lot of roughage, which is pushed into the digestive tract to process the swallowed fur.

9. Their field of vision covers nearly 360 degrees.

It's hard to sneak up on rabbits: their field of view covers nearly 360 degrees, which allows them to see everything from behind, above, and to the side without turning their heads. The compromise is a small blind spot directly in front of the rabbit's face.

10. They are really good jumpers.

Those impressive hind legs are more than just a show. Rabbits are built to escape predators. According to the Guinness Book of World Records, the highest jumping height of rabbits to the ground is 3.26 feet, and the farthest jump is nearly 10 feet. There is even a bunny jumping competition where the owner can show off the agility of the pet.

11. Their teeth never stop growing.

Just like human nails, rabbit teeth will keep growing if given the opportunity. In the wild, the rabbit’s diet includes a lot of tough plant-based foods that will eventually wear away permanent teeth. Chopsticks that grow at a rate of up to 5 inches per year can quickly compensate for any damage to the teeth. On the downside, rabbits that are not fed abrasives may grow full of teeth, making it difficult to eat.

12. They live in the carefully designed Warren Tunnel.

Rabbits dig out complex systems of tunnels called warrens, which connect spaces reserved for nesting and sleeping rooms. The nest has multiple entrances to allow animals to escape in a critical moment. Some Warren dogs are as large as a tennis court and extend to 10 feet below the surface of the water.

13. Their ears help them keep cool.

There are two main uses for rabbit ears. The first and most evident is hearing: hares can turn their ears 270 degrees, permitting them to distinguish a moving toward danger almost 2 miles away.  The oversized ears also have the added benefit of keeping the rabbit cool in hot weather. A larger surface area means more heat can escape from the body.

14. They are difficult to catch.

If their eyes, ears, and powerful legs do not give them a sufficient lead when avoiding predators, then rabbits have more skills to rely on. Cottontail rabbits move in a zigzag manner when running in an open field, making it difficult to aim. It likewise arrived at a maximum velocity of 18 mph, and they are really "wascally wabbits".

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