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Facts about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Everyone should be Aware!!

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the coronavirus. Human coronavirus is very common and is usually associated with mild illness, similar to common cold.

The symptoms of human coronavirus may be mild or severe, such as:

• fever

• cough

• Difficulty breathing

After exposure to the coronavirus, it may take up to 14 days for symptoms to appear.

Coronavirus usually spreads from an infected person to others through the following channels:

• Respiratory droplets when coughing or sneezing

• Close interpersonal contact, such as touching or shaking hands

• Touch something with the virus, and then touch your eyes, nose or mouth without washing your hands

As far as is known, these viruses will not spread through ventilation systems or water.

The most ideal approach to forestall the spread of the infection is: 

• Wash your hands frequently with hand wash or hand sanitizer and water for in any event 20 seconds; 

• Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, especially when you are not washing your hands;

• Avoid to close contact with people who are looking sick;

• Cover your mouth and nose with sleeves instead of hands when coughing and sneezing;

• Pay attention to maintaining interpersonal distance at all times;

• If you are sick, please stay at home to avoid spreading the disease to others; and

• Wear non-medical masks or face masks (that is, they are made to completely cover the nose and mouth, leaving no gaps, and use ties or

The ring belt is fixed on the head) to protect the surrounding people and the surface of objects.

The period begins on the day you enter any country.

• If you have traveled and you do not have any symptoms, you must go to quarantine (self-isolation).

• If you have traveled and have symptoms, you must be isolated.

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