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6 Important Facts & Events that Change Your Lives

There are certain situations and events in the life of every human being that cause a lot of changes in life. These changes are based on facts and today we will give a brief overview of the facts from those changes.

1. Marriage

If we distinguish the stress caused by the organization of marriage, positive psychological changes have been observed in people who make big decisions, such as the rarest crises of depression or suicide. It has also been observed that married couples live longer. It is a given that such elements are observed mainly in happy marriages.

2. Making children

For decades, one study after another has shown that parents are less happy and more anxious in the first two years after the birth of their child. It is a huge change in the life of a couple that changes the balance as the love and bonding of the couple will greatly determine their development.

3. Divorce

A divorce brings huge changes in a couple's life. An interesting fact, however, is that women deal with it more easily than men. Usually, men become more vulnerable to depression, alcoholism and sudden weight gain while women tend to regret a divorce much less than men.

4. When you lose one of your parents

It may be the normal flow of things when a parent leaves before their child, but that does not make it any less easy. Such an event leaves us "broken". Long-term research has shown that sons have a harder time losing their father and daughters lose their mom. Of course, the size of the pain depends on their attachment but also on the health status of the parents. The younger the parent who leaves, the greater the pain. Children who lose one or both parents early or abruptly are more likely to develop weakened immune systems and suicidal tendencies.


Pets can help us emotionally when we are experiencing depression or severe anxiety. Those who have pets are less likely to experience intense stress and tend to be more sociable and more confident. Although there is no biochemical explanation, research has shown that even petting a pet activates the production of serotonin and oxytocin, substances crucial to the feeling of happiness.

6. Weight loss

Judging by the billions we spend each year to achieve the above weight loss, this fact has a huge impact on our psychology. Clinical studies that have monitored the mental state of those who managed to lose extra pounds, concluded that the symptoms of depression decreased significantly.

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