The United Nations today offers more types of assistance to nations and individuals around the globe than any time in recent memory, yet its capacity to work is impeded by monetary issues. Except if part states rapidly pay their obligations to the United Nations (over 2.5 billion U.S. dollars owed as of September 30, 1998), the monetary circumstance of the United Nations stays problematic. Clearly, part of the purpose behind the present circumstance is the inescapable misconception of the genuine circumstance of the United Nations and its job.
Kindly think about the accompanying 15 facts:
1- Normal Financial Plan
The United Nations' 1998 normal financial plan has a portion of US$298 million, which is identical to US$1.11 per American. Interestingly, San Marino, a little nation, pays $4.26 per resident to the United Nations.
2- Seven Nations Commitment
The seven nations with the most elevated United Nations surveyed commitments are: United States (25%); Japan (17.98%); Germany (9.63%); France (6.49%); Italy (5.39%); United Kingdom (5.07%) and Russia (2.87) %). Together, their evaluated commitments represent over 72% of the United Nations ordinary spending plan.
3- Secretariat Activities
The secretariat activities in New York, Geneva, Nairobi and the five local commissions are center elements of the United Nations. The spending plan for these center capacities is US$1.25 billion every year. This is identical to 4% of the New York City's yearly financial plan, which is around US$1 billion not exactly the yearly use of the Tokyo Fire Department, and US$3.7 billion not exactly the yearly spending plan of the State University of New York framework.
4- UN Base Camp
The United Nations base camp in New York needs 4,700 individuals to offer types of assistance, while the Swedish capital Stockholm regional government has 60,000 workers.
5- UN has No Military
The United Nations has no military. Governments intentionally give troops and other faculty to stop clashes that undermine harmony and security. The choice on when and where to convey peacekeeping powers comes from the United States and different individuals from the Security Council, not the Secretary-General.
6- UN Framework
Roughly 52,280 individuals work in the United Nations framework, including 29 different associations, for example, the Secretariat and UNICEF. There are three fold the number of individuals working for McDonald's, and Disney World and Disneyland utilize 50,000 individuals.
7- UN Framework is to Help Non-industrial Nations
80% of crafted by the United Nations framework is to help non-industrial nations in building self improvement abilities. This incorporates advancing and securing popular government and common freedoms; shielding youngsters from craving and sickness; giving help to displaced people and survivors of fiascos; battling global wrongdoing, medications, and illness; and helping nations that have been attacked by wars and landmines.
8- UN and Organizations
The United Nations and its organizations, assets and projects (fundamentally UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, WFP, and WHO) burn through US$4.8 billion every year on monetary and social turn of events, for example, medical care, natural disinfection, and farming. Helping nations in regions, for example, food dissemination and food conveyance. This is equal to 81 pennies for each individual. In 1996, governments around the globe spent around 797 billion U.S. dollars on military undertakings, which is comparable to 135 U.S. dollars per individual.
9- Peacekeeping
The United a lot of United Nations peacekeeping uses represents about 31% of the yearly aggregate. It has now been decreased significantly, from about $1 billion out of 1995 to about $400 million of every 1997, which is under 0.25% of the United States' yearly military financial plan.
Part States share the dangers of keeping up harmony and security. Since 1945, around 1,580 United Nations peacekeepers from 85 nations have lost their lives working, of which under 3% are Americans.
10- UN Staff
The staff of the United Nations Secretariat has been diminished by 25%, from more than 12,000 somewhere in the range of 1984 and 1985 to roughly 8,700 as of now, and the staff decrease proceeds. The United Nations has set severe new principles for staff execution. Around 33% of the compensations of United Nations staff are deducted, which is comparable to covering charges.
11- Under-Secretary-General
Under the oversight of the Under-Secretary-General for Administration and Management Joseph Connor (American), the financial plan of the United Nations Secretariat from 1998 to 1999 was zero development, adding up to 2.5 billion US dollars, and 1.25 billion US dollars for every year. This is a lessening of 100 million U.S. dollars from the 1994-95 spending plan, because of expanded proficiency and cuts of around 1,000 staff.
12- Calm Unrest
The Secretary-General started a "calm unrest" in July 1997 as the second period of the change work to make the United Nations more slender and more proficient. Measures taken incorporate consolidating a few offices of the Secretariat; smoothing out administration; and moving assets from the organization to improvement work.
13- Internal Oversight Services
The Office of Internal Oversight Services was set up in 1994. The Office is playing out its obligations to advance more viable and proficient administration and wipe out waste, misrepresentation and bungle. The Office incorporates a United Nations Special Investigation Unit and a hotline.
14- Whole United Nations Framework
The whole United Nations framework, including all assets, programs and concentrated offices of the World Bank, IMF and the United Nations. The complete working consumption is roughly 18.2 billion US dollars for each year. This is not exactly the yearly income of a huge organization like Dow Chemical, which had incomes of more than US$20 billion out of 1997.
15- UN Secretariat
U.S. residents hold a greater number of posts in the UN Secretariat than some other part state, and hold positions accountable for UNICEF, UNDP, World Bank, World Food Program, International Court of Justice and Universal Postal Union. Yet, the United States owes more past and current appraisals than some other part nation, and the remarkable sum surpasses 1.6 billion U.S. dollars.