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10 True Facts About Men They Usually Hide

There are many facts about men that statistics do not tell us. For example, on average, they live less than women around the world, spend about a year of their lives looking at them and lying twice as often.

Below you will find 10 interesting facts about men.

1- They look at women for almost 1 year of their lives

A man goes through around 43 minutes daily taking a gander at 10 unique ladies. This compares to 259 hours (or very nearly 11 days) every year. Thus, between the ages of 18 and 50, men go through 11 months and 11 days appreciating ladies.

Women only look at men for 20 minutes a day. Between the ages of 18 and 50, only 6 months are spent with this activity.

These data were obtained by employees of the Kodak Lens vision centers, who conducted a survey of 3,000 people. They also found that the most suitable places to look for people of the opposite sex are supermarkets, bars and nightclubs.

2-They lie twice as much as women

The average man lies to his colleagues, boss or partner, 6 times a day , while women only do it 3 times a day. A survey conducted by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment in 2009, before the launch of the TV series "Lie to Me", helped to discover this fact.

It turns out that men lie more and the most common phrase is: "It's okay. I'm fine."

3-Their lifestyle depends to a large extent on their IQ

A group of scientists from the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, showed in a study that a person's IQ level, often affects his lifestyle. Specifically, whether he abuses alcohol or not. To this end, experts studied the data of about 50,000 Swedes born between 1949 and 1951.

According to researchers, men with lower IQ often drink excessively. However, it is emphasized that this can be caused not only by IQ but also by frequent emotional problems.

However, scientists believe that a higher level of intelligence leads to a healthier lifestyle.

4- As they get older they prefer more comfortable clothes

The clothes we wear affect the way we feel and the way people perceive us . This is why a man in a suit feels more confident in a business meeting.

However, clothing preferences change with age. For example, many young men wear tight pants or shorts, although they may not be as comfortable. Over time, the desire to be fashionable is replaced  by the desire to wear comfortable clothes.

5- They eat twice as much when they are with women

It may seem strange, but it is a fact: men consume more food when eating lunch or dinner with a woman. For example, they eat 93% more pizza and 86% more salad than they would eat with a group of men.

Dr. Kevin Knifin of Cornell University came to this conclusion during his research . In his opinion, men do it to impress women. It may seem silly, but it is also based on instincts.

6- They have friends with common interests

Dr. Ronald E. Riggio wrote an article that analyzed research on friendship between women and men. As a result, he concluded that friendship between men is based primarily on common interests. They prefer to play football, golf, tennis, poker or watch the games of their favorite team with their friends.

Female friendship is mainly based on feelings and support. Women choose girlfriends with whom they are "emotionally united".

7- Prefer compliments from other men

There is a view that men accept compliments from the opposite sex with pleasure. But in fact, they are happier with men's compliments. And sexual orientation does not matter.

Robert Herbert from the University of Binghamton, proved that men accept compliments "smoothly" and give thanks only 30% of the time. And in the case of a man who receives a compliment from another man, it will probably be considered pleasant and will increase his self-esteem.

8- If they have thumbs up in their belt, they are trying to get a woman's attention

When a man wants to show a woman that he cares , he inadvertently takes a stand that shows he is courageous and strong. Usually, he keeps his thumbs hooked to the belt of his pants.

A similar ritual appeared in antiquity when there were no belts or trousers. The men who were trying to win a woman, pointed strongly to their groin. Today, such a move would be obscene, but we still have its  echo : when a man holds his hands on his belt, his hands still point to this point.

9- They like women with healthy weight

Blanca Ortega-Roland Oliva from the University of Granada, proved in her research that men prefer slim women who look healthy. We do not mean those who are not sick, but those whose weight seems healthy.

This means that men are not attracted to a mythical beauty ideal or to girls with the appearance of a model who weigh the same as a feather, but by women whose weight and growth are normally correlated.

10- They bend down to pick up an item
Have you ever noticed that men lift a fallen object while leaning over it while women sit? Of course, not everyone does it this way, but this behavior is typical of moss is due to the fact that women often wear uncomfortable clothes (short or tight). Men are less likely to be restrained by their clothes, so they can easily bend over.

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